Menu Ideas

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chicken and Rice Casserole.
I found this recipe on Foodnetwork via Paula Dean. Now some may ask.. How many sticks of butter did you put in this? My reply only a tablespoon. Yea.. I am serious.  Now looking at her recipe made we want to add and delete things, but her overall response to this recipe was that it was very tasty. So here is my adapted Chicken Rice Casserole. It's not your traditional one either.
Cooked Chicken. Now you can either buy a precooked chicken and shred it. Some may say that's cheating. I say When you have three children screaming. Go for it. Tonight I used whole chicken breasts. I cooked them on the skillet with  my favorite seasonings. Garlic, Salt, Pepper and Paprika. Lately Paprika and Chicken go together like bees and honey. But this completely up to you. Either way tastes good.
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup  (forget the calories- the real stuff tastes better)
one small can of diced mushrooms. Fresh is good, but if you are trying to save money. Go aluminum.
one box of Uncle Bens wild rice. Please follow directions. Yes, this is where that tablespoon of butter came into play.
Paula's recipe called for pintos. Mercy and I wrinkled our noses at the taste of it. It's your call. I don't like pimentos unless it's in cheese coated please or olives.
salt and pepper for taste.
Cheddar Cheese. Grated and do be careful. I grated my thumb.. Ouch. (8 oz)
Can Green Beans...
Fried onion topping. Try not to eat the whole container before you top your dish. Yum Yum..
Now you must be thinking this sounds like green bean casserole with chicken. Ding Ding Ding.. I think that is the point. But once you mix your goodies together sticking it in the oven for 30 min on 350 you may find yourself liking the casserole pan. Good Eats!!!

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