Monday, November 7, 2011

Easy Salsa

4 large tomatoes
couple stalks of green onions
1/2 purple onion
1/2 bell pepper
1/4 cup (or more) cilantro
lime juice (one whole lime- squeezed)
1-2 jalapeno pepper or other favorite spicy pepper
1 tablespoon salt (you will add more salt later for taste)
1 tablespoon of sugar (this is optional)
Cut all vegetables either by hand or via food processor. If you use a food processor it will be a wet salsa. If you hand cut vegetables it will be more of a pico de gallo.
Mix all veggies and spices place in a container for at least 8 hours. You may need to adjust your salt or sugar after 8 hours.
Note.. You can add more veggies or delete  depending on how much you want to make. 

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